The Connecticut Republican Assembly Endorses President Trump by Unanimous Vote.
February 2, 2024

WHEREAS: President Joseph Robinette Biden has proven that he is incapable of governing the country as evidenced by the chaos on our borders which destroys our sovereignty, the out-of-control borrowing and spending which led to out-of-control inflation, the woke ideology which poisons the minds of our children, and his signing of improper laws and executive orders which uses the force of government to reward evil and punish good instead of the other way around as it should be,
WHEREAS: We cannot succeed as a country if we allow our nation to be invaded, our currency to be debased, our cities to crumble, our children to be indoctrinated, or our justice system to be manipulated by the Swamp Rats in Washington D.C. who work for themselves and put their globalist agenda first instead of the interests of the American people, and
WHEREAS: Reversing the decline of this nation requires leaders that keep their promises and deliver big results for the people they are elected to serve.
WHEREAS: President Donald J. Trump has fulfilled many of his promises and delivered big results, including pulling us out of the disastrous Paris Climate Accords, moving our embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, brokering several peace deals in the Middle East including the Abraham Accords, and nominating the justices to the Supreme Court who overturned Roe v. Wade,
WHEREAS: The National Federation of Republican Assemblies, our parent organization, officially endorsed President Trump by a near-unanimous vote at its National Convention because of these accomplishments,
WHEREAS: Gov. Ron DeSantis, the only other candidate that was worthy of our consideration due to his steadfast adherence to our principles, has dropped out of the race and officially endorsed President Trump,
WHEREAS: Almost every other Republican candidate who ran against President Trump ended up endorsing him without hesitation when they suspended their own campaigns, and
WHEREAS: President Trump is clearly a superior choice to the other Republican still running for our Party’s nomination,
THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Connecticut Republican Assembly officially ENDORSE President Donald J. Trump which binds our organization and all our members to use every resource, platform, and sphere of influence at our disposal to assist in his winning our Party’s nomination and his becoming the first person since Grover Cleveland to win re-election in non-consecutive terms as President of the United States.
Passed by unanimous vote at the CTRA Annual Convention in Berlin, CT, January 27, 2024